Discover the critical link between gut health and thyroid function. Learn how leaky gut syndrome and microbiome imbalances can trigger autoimmune thyroid conditions, impair hormone conversion, and create systemic inflammation.
Read MoreThe first step in supporting the thyroid is interpreting thyroid blood test results. Learn why TSH is not the only marker for thyroid dysfunction and why its important to understand the role reverse T3 plays.
Read MoreThe first step in supporting the thyroid is interpreting thyroid blood test results. Learn why TSH is not the only marker for thyroid dysfunction and why its important to understand your own thyroid test results.
Read MoreWe’re all different, so it makes sense that our ideal diet would be different too…This is exactly what the Autoimmune Protocol does for those burdened with disease. It’s a passion of mine, so I created a beginners guide that breaks down exactly what we do with this treatment!
Read MoreIodine is an essential trace mineral integral for the formation of thyroid hormones, which are needed for growth and development and metabolic processes throughout the body.
Read MoreSunday afternoon comes around, it’s exfoliation time. Out come the mits, the coffee scrubs and all the buffering machines. But there’s one tool you shouldn’t be saving just for Sundays…
Read MoreSkin is your body’s largest organ, accounting for as much as 16% of your body weight. Inch by inch, your skin adds up to an impressive 22 square feet. What you might not realize about this hard-working organ is that it is also constantly renewing itself—at a rate of about 30,000-40,000 cells per minute. And it does this for decades.
Read MoreMaybe you haven’t even realised all of the amazing things that your thyroid gland does for you each day, but maintaining good health in this gland is essential for your wellbeing.
Read MoreIodine is an essential trace mineral integral for the formation of thyroid hormones, which are needed for growth and development and metabolic processes throughout the body.
Read MoreIn today's day and age we are working longer hours, not getting enough sleep and turning to coffee and sugar to push through the exhaustion. Only to wake up the next day and do it all over again. This my friend, is a recipe for burnout.
Burnout otherwise known as adrenal fatigue, is a chronic negative response caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion and occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to cope with the constant demands of life.
Read MoreAcne is a condition that is commonly thought of as a condition only affecting adolescents. However up to 51% of women between the ages 20-29 and 26% of women between 40-49 also suffer from this condition.
Acne is caused by multiple factors such as increased sebum secretion, inflammation, follicular keratinization, and Propionibacterium acnes. For many women, acne can be a debilitating condition that can have a huge impact on mental wellbeing.
The pathogenesis of acne in adult women can be quite complex and isn't always due to hormonal imbalances. So I am going to share with you the top contributing factors to be aware of.
Read MoreOne of the most common questions I receive on a day-to-day basis is this: Why do so many of us still suffer from breakouts as adults? And what foods should we avoid to prevent acne?
I get it. Because nothing wreaks havoc on our confidence quite like having bad skin.
While hormones and stress are certainly the top factors that throw off the normal balance of your skin, the food we eat, and our diet can also have a massive impact on the appearance of acne. After all, as the saying goes – true beauty begins from the inside, out.
So in this blog, I’m going to dive into the 4 foods that are most likely to aggravate your skin and clear up the ever-muddy waters related to what we put in our bodies and highlight how you can best align your diet with the overall health of your skin.
Read MoreMarch is Endometriosis awareness month. A month to shine a light on this debilitating disease which affects 1 in 10 womens and with an estimates 176 million cases world wide.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease in which endometrial like tissue, usually found lining the uterus (endometrium), grows outside the uterus. While this abnormal growth is often found surrounding the ovaries and fallopian tubes or within the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity, in some advanced cases it has also been found in the lungs and brain.
Read MorePremenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common health condition experienced by up to 75% of women of reproductive age. PMS is a group of symptoms, both physical and emotional, experienced by a woman in the two weeks leading up to menstruation, also known as the luteal phase. With symptoms usually subsiding shortly after menstruation begins.
In some cases PMS can develop into premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). PMDD is a more severe form of PMS, effecting about 3-6 % of women. PMDD be so debilitating that it impacts one's quality of life. Women who have had major depression are more at risk than others to experience PMDD.
Read MoreYou might be surprised to learn that there is more than just one type of oestrogen.
Oestrogens are a group of steroid hormones produced in various organs (not just the ovaries) and the level of these oestrogens change throughout life and in physiological and pathological conditions.
While oestrogen is typically thought of as a female hormone, it is produced by males also. In women, this group of sex hormones are responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts, endometrium, and regulation of the menstrual cycle.
Within the oestrogen hormone family, there are three main forms to focus on:
Read MoreIt’s the beginning of the year and as we all settling back into work and life the pressures and stress can begin to creep up again.
Female reproductive health is an area I work a lot with in clinic and a very common theme with many of my clients is the impact stress has on the female reproductive system.
Before we get into how stress impacts sex hormones I really want to get to the core of what stress is and how it can present itself.
Stress is defined as “a state in which homeostasis is threatened or perceived to be threatened.”
Read MoreDid you spend your childhood like most of us in the backyard or local swimming pool?
I remember growing up spending most mornings & afternoons at swimming training. But did you know Chlorine can be detrimental to thyroid health?
Read MoreHaving a hard time waking up in the morning? Feel like you only had 2 hours sleep when you had 8?
Sleep issues are one of the most common symptoms of thyroid disorders, resulting in up to 30% of cases.
Both hypo and hyperthyroidism can result in disrupted sleep and insomnia. The catch 22? Good quality sleep is vitally important for thyroid patients to help combat fatigue, brain fog and other symptoms.
So what easy streps can be taken to start improving sleep? Here are a few recommendations.
Magnesium is one of my favourite nutrients.
I fist became acquainted with magnesium back when I was a first year naturopath student.
I used to consume coffee like it was going out of fashion in order to get me through assignments, deadlines and full time work. Until that is, I learned about magnesium.
You see coffee consumption actually works against the body when we are stressed, not only does it increase the excretion of B vitamins required to help combat stress, but it also triggers cortisol release.
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